Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Vocational Centre of Pärnu County

The Vocational Centre of Pärnu County (Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus) started its work on the 11 of February 2003. Earlier we had 4 diffrent schools: Pärnu Kutseõppekeskus, Sindi Kergetööstuskool, Pärnu Kodumajanduskool and Tihemetsa Põllumajandustehnikum. Today the studies are in Pärnu and in Tihemetsa. The Vocational Centre of Pärnu County is the biggest educational establishment of Pärnu county. There are 1357 students in our school.
On the basis of basicschool 14 specialities and on the basis of secodary school 11 specialities are taught. Specialities on the basis of basic school are: cook, baker/pastry-cook, shop-assistant, dressmaker/tailor, IT specialist, warehousing, general construction, construction finisher, construction carpenter, joiner, cleaning service, car mechanic, accommidation service and forest economy. Specialities on the basis of secondary school are: secretarial work, hotel service, hairdresser, business administration, waiter/waitress, sales assistant, accountant, social care, forest economy and IT specialist.
Mission of our school: In close co-operation with employers provide competitive vocational competence, knowledge and skills for working life and further studies.Vision of our school: In 2015 The Vocational Centre of Pärnu County has high reputation as a school with acknowledged learning environment, training workers who are competitive both at local and international labour market.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My name is Mary, I am 17 and I come from Boise, Idaho, USA. I am an exchange student here, and will be staying for a Year. I am living with an Estonian family in Niidupark, Pärnu, and am very excited about being here!
I have friends in my school and I am also friends with exchange students, that are also living in Estonia.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sügis Pärnus

Our town Hradec Králove

Nightly Hradec

"small swimming bath no?":-D

In the middle our town are piece od very nice nature:)

Our school:)

In Hradec Králové lives past 100 000 occupier

Hradec Králové is veri nice town with to many histrorical relics It´s very old town..:)